Prepping for Your Spray Tan
For best results, shave and exfoliate 4-24 hours before your session and focus on the driest areas — elbows, knees, hands, feet and the backs of your ankles. Do not exfoliate/shave right before appointment. Try to avoid waxing or other spa treatments the day of your spray tan. Do not use Dove brand products both before and after your appointment.
Don’t use perfumes, moisturizers, deodorant or makeup before your session. These products can create a barrier for absorption.
What to wear to your session: Wear dark, loose-fitting clothes. Avoid wearing tight clothing and shoes such as boots, socks or tights, which may rub off some of the spray tan and cause uneven results..
During your session, you will disrobe to your comfort level. We will provide disposable undergarments and a protective cap for your hair and “sticky feet” to protect the bottoms of your feet.
You will stand in the spray tan tent or booth, while the technician directs you how to stand, hold your limbs and when to rotate directions. The spray itself takes approximately 5 mins.
Barrier cream will be applied to the rougher/drier areas of your skin such as: elbows, knees, hands, fingers, feet, and toes. These areas tend to soak up more solution. We can also provide protective eyewear, nose filters, lip balm and cotton balls if you request.
Depending on your solution, you will need to avoid the following for the next 2-8 hours after your tan: showering, bathing or swimming; exercising or activities that make you sweat heavily.
Your tan can last up to 7-10 days, depending on your post-tan care. Moisturize daily, and avoid Dove soaps, body washes and lotions that contain exfoliants and oils, and harsher skincare treatments like retinols/retinoids or acids. Avoid using pore strips, bandages and exfoliants until you’re ready to spray again.